This Land is Your Land, This World is Your World.

Oh my mind

Lo Siento Maria



Volver, volver


Bracero Social Club members include guitarist Mario Jiminez singer and guitarist Sebastian Luna, Drummer Joe Baltazar. They all hail from different parts of California. stretching from San Joaquin Vally to Los Angeles as well as homegrown on the Central Coast in Slo County, but each shares a similar yet unique lived experience of musicianship. There was a cultural connection between us all because we’re all of Mexican descent. We always feel somewhere in the middle between to cultures in California. We’ve really connected that way, There’s a saying“ni de aqui, ni de alla.” you’re neither from here nor from there, you’re somewhere in the middle. Not being accepted in the full Mexican culture and not being accepted in the full American culture.

That mix of cultures is illustrated in the pages of this bands life. recalling their teenage years blasting punk rock music through the headphones at their agriculture jobs. The name Bracero Social Club is a shout out to this shared heritage among the members and their family connections to Mexico agricultural work in California, and passion for music-both Spanish and American. It’s an identity crisis to a certian extent, but being placed in the middle. you’re at a great vantage point to see a lot of great influnces and you’re exposed to a lot more. We’re in a comfort zone when we talk about how we grew up and those influnces. Armed with some originals under their belts and some recording in progress. Bracero Social Club is a must see show. No matter what you’re into this band has something for you.



Sebatian Luna: 805-550-7456


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